
When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

About 2 ½ years ago, I was suffering with sciatic nerve problems. I had been at rehab for two months with no results. When my insurance was up, they just told me to return again next year. I was still in pain.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

Dr. Kevin made my life pain free. He adjusted my body and the pain was gone within two weeks. I can walk without pain, bend and even keep up with my 3 month old grandson. He did in weeks what other medical personnel could not do in months.

What advice would you someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

I would say, do it and see how much your life will improve. The difference is amazing. Now that I feel the difference in my body, I go every week just for a wellness check and adjustment.

Maureen Z.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

Through a lecture on fibromyalgia.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

Migraines have significantly decreased, activity level increased and pain level decreased since treatment began. Able to enjoy many more fun activities with family.

What advice would you someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

Give it a try. It has improved my quality of life immensely. The treatments are pain free, easy to fit into your schedule and the office of Dr. Kevin Flynn is always friendly and very accommodating.

Kim W.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

I began chiropractic treatment in October of 2009 at the urgence of my father and brother in regards to my frequent headaches.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

I've certainly found that proper posture feels more natural and occurs with more ease. Also, I've noticed improvements in breathing, sleeping habits and over-all attitude. The boost in health and energy that regular adjustments supplied me with inspired me to adopt more beneficial habits; I now eat exponentially healthier foods and have become an avid bicyclist and yoga practicioner.

What advice would you give someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

I would say that overall health starts on the inside, and the spine is the basis in attaining that health. Payment plans make the treatment more affordable. Within two or three weeks of regular adjustments, I began noticing the benefits.

Victoria D.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

I came in contact with the office in June 2011 because I was having chronic pain in my back, neck and legs.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

After my very first visit I noticed significant changes. I was walking differently and felt better. I went from feeling miserable all the time to actually feeling happy. Now I am 3 weeks in and I feel happy.

What advice would you give someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

You have nothing to lose. I was a big skeptic myself. Chiropractic will make you feel better. Make an appointment and see for yourself.

Michael K.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

Approximately 3 years ago, I came to Dr. Flynn for severe back pain.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

I rarely get back problems. If I do, I heal quickly. I used to get headaches all the time, now it's few and far between.

What advice would you give someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

You have nothing to lose to try chiropractic but everything to gain. The first few visits you may feel worse than better due to adjustments. If this is your first time, you may have a lot of stuck area's, but after a few adjustments you will feel wonderful.

Betty B.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

I began going to see Dr. Kevin approximately 2 years ago. I was experiencing constant lower back pain and did not want to take a lot of pain killers or have invasive procedures performed.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

While I still occasionally experience some pain if I work my back too hard, I can say that I am not dealing with severe pain on a daily basis like I was before receiving adjustments. My entire family started receiving weekly adjustments too for general health maintenance and we all are doing very well.

What advice would you someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

If you are not feeling well or are in pain, there is a reason. It is better to get well starting with a properly functioning body rather than treat the symptoms with drugs. Medicines may have a place in helping you be healthy, but you need to at least allow your body the opportunity to heal itself as well.

Scott K.

When and why did you first come in contact with this office?

I became a patient of Dr. Kevin about 2 years ago. My husband was under his care and seeing great improvement in his chronic back pain, so I decided to try it myself. I work at a computer all day, and am also a student, which means more computer work at night. Although I exercise regularly, the computer work was causing chronic pain, tingling and numbness radiating from my mid-back into my neck and shoulders. I also had pain down my right arm with tingling and numbness in my wrist and hand. Some days it would be very difficult to work and I would have to go home. I found myself taking a lot of ibuprofen. Something as simple as folding a basket of laundry was very painful for me. I was also suffering from chronic fatigue and IBS.

What benefits in your life and health have you and your family experienced since getting adjusted?

I started by seeing Dr. Kevin about 3 times a week for a month or so. This really got the pain under control. I have stayed a patient on a wellness plan with weekly visits for 2 years now, and I have experienced an amazing improvement in my health and well being. I no longer have chronic pain. Once in awhile I get a twinge that reminds me I’d better keep up my care with Dr. Kevin. I also have my energy back and my digestive system is under control. I also believe that some unexpected benefits of the chiropractic care are improvements in my allergy and asthma symptoms.

I bring my children to Dr. Kevin as well and have seen a marked improvement in their general health with fewer sicknesses, improved allergy and asthma symptoms in my older daughter, and improvements with hyperactivity and focus issues.

What advice would you someone else who is considering chiropractic care?

I had chiropractic care in the past, but the practice I was going to did not take a wellness approach, and I only went when I was in a lot of pain. Dr. Kevin recommends weekly treatment in order to stay well, and I can say that it works. I would suggest giving chiropractic care a chance because it really can improve your health and quality of life. I have never felt better or healthier in my life.

Julie K.

Stan and I have been patients of Dr. Flynn for four years. Our joint and muscle pain limited our daily activities. We chose to be treated by Dr. Flynn to avoid being treated with medication. Dr. Flynn's adjustments and advice on wellness encompassed our over-all belief of well being through natural methods. We are thankful for that Adams Chiropractic is available to us because choosing this natural method of care as an alternative is very important to us.

We encourage anyone with unresolved medical issues or seeking to regain and maintain their health naturally to try chiropractic care.

Pat & Stan W.

In June of this year, the North Adams Public Library held a program given by Dr. Jaclyn Flynn concerning alternative ways to address digestive problems. My husband had been plagued by different symptoms and conditions, so we attended the program together, (my presence more for support and curiousity).

We filled out a questionnaire concerning symptoms we had experienced, and though I struggled to think of any, I did record having had frequent headaches and back pain, both of which I attributed to arthritis associated with aging. They were annoying, but I chose not to see a doctor, imagining the possibility of x-rays and probably medication, which I preferred not to take. The symptoms I had didn’t stop me from activities of daily living after all, though they did give me discomfort.

A free evaluation was offered to anyone who attended the program, and the information given about chiropractic and its relationship to wellness interested me. Both my husband signed up for an appointment. As the day came closer, I almost cancelled. I was in good physical shape and as I said, my symptoms did not curtail my lifestyle. But luckily for me, I attended.

The spinal screening exam showed that there was something “going on” in different areas of my spinal cord. Dr. Kevin gave a thorough explanation of subluxation and how it could affect health. He encouraged questions and answered them simply and clearly. I decided that I would continue with another appointment. When I left the office that day, I felt the high that comes with taking steps to better care for yourself. I was doing something for me that would benefit my health in the present and in years to come.

After my first week of adjustments, I realized something. I had not had a headache for one week! Though that may not sound like an achievement of any capacity, it was for me. I had been having headaches at least 2 or 3 times a week on a regular basis for over a year! And as time went on, the pain and stiffness in my back began to abate. That really hit home when at work one Friday, I overdid it with some heavy lifting, and that evening had to sit with a heating pad and take an over the counter anti-inflammatory to ease my discomfort. As I sat there I realized that this used to be in the norm for me, rather than the exception. I had not needed to do this in several weeks, and I believe the improvement was a result of the adjustments I had been receiving by Dr. Kevin.

I tell everyone about chiropractic, Dr. Kevin and the wellness experience in general. It is hard for me to believe that more people don’t seek the healing that chiropractic affords, as well as the means of prevention that it offers. I am very happy that chiropractic is part of my life. The warm welcome and sincere concern offered by Dr. Kevin at every visit and Jenn’s friendly countenance and willingness to help in whatever way possible is even further affirmation that I made the best possible decision in coming to Adams Chiropractic.

Joan O.

Bev's Story:

About a year ago, I was engaged in a conversation with one of my neighbors about the pain I suffered in my butt. We laughed about it and then she asked me if I had seen a doctor. Well, I told her, you won’t believe how many doctors. I’ve seen neurologists, rheumatologists, orthopedics in both Vermont and Massachusetts. I’ve seen an acupuncturist and a deep massage therapist. All of them told me to take Tylenol for the pain. It’s something I have to live with because of my age and lifelong abuse on my body. Some nights I would be awake for hours with an ice pack on my butt and more Tylenol. I was taking up to 1500mg per day and still suffering.

Then she said “Why don’t you see my chiropractor, Dr. Kevin Flynn? He might be able to help you because he helped me. I suffer from back pain and he fixed it.” I could go, because what can I lose? Well, I hemmed and hawed for a couple of weeks. I had another night with an ice pack and Tylenol. I was exhausted. I called his office and made an appointment.

He was very informative about his practice, explaining all of the procedures step by step. He made me feel very relaxed. So, I became one of his patients three times a week at first. Sometimes I went home in pain, other times without. As the weeks went by, I realized that my butt was feeling better and that I had not taken a Tylenol in a couple days. Wow!

To make a long story short, after four months I was feeling no pain. I felt more energetic and alert, an all over good feeling. He did that for me! I just completed my year worth of adjustments and I only need to go twice a month.

Bill, my husband, has COPD and a painful Achilles tendon. Both of which are aggravating and painful for him. The first six months that I was seeing Dr. Flynn, I nagged my husband about seeing the doctor just in case he could help him. Finally, after noticing how it changed me, he decided to try.

Bill’s doctor for his COPD was surprised to see the improvement at his last visit. The doctor asked Bill what was he doing to make this change. Bill told him about his chiropractic adjustments and Dr. Kevin Flynn . Bill’s doctor said whatever he’s doing to keep on doing it.

So would we recommend a chiropractor? Of course we would! Which one? Dr. Kevin Flynn, of course!

Sharon's Story:

My name is Sharon and I have a story I want to share. For years I had suffered with pain and discomfort. I had dizziness, migraines, IBS, insomnia and chronic fatigue.

It solely worsened and there were days that I was so sick I could barely function. I found riding in a car unbearable, a simple hug was dreaded, and my life was on hold. My friend’s children told me “I had lost my sparkle.”

I had lost more than that, I had lost the desire to grow old with my husband, I lost the ability to function even a little bit without planning. If I had ironed or cleaned I knew the next day I would be in bed. If I travelled I knew I would suffer for days. The life I planned, the life I wanted was becoming unreachable.

My PCP would see me every three months. I tried acupuncture, I tried herbs, I researched, and I was in the same place, only getting worse and worse.

I was taking medication, prescription and over the counter…24 pills a day. I refused narcotics because I believed the side effects were worse than the cure and they only mask the problem, they do not cure it.

Doctors put a name on it; fibromyalgia, but that diagnoses did not come quickly.

The story is long, but I can condense it by telling you that the summer of 2009 my mother could not see my suffer anymore. Yes, suffer. That was what I was doing daily. She is 83 and she was saddened by watching me get worse. I was having more difficulties with life than her. I could not walk up the stairs to her apartment without pulling myself up on the railing one step at a time.

She saw an ad on channel 22 and mentioned it to me. I remember thinking that I had tried it all. I had been to chiropractors before and the manipulation made me worse. I am glad I did attend because I have my life back!

Drs. Kevin and Jaclyn Flynn were offering a wellness meeting on fibromyalgia, my diagnosis. After the meeting of about 15 people made an appointment for a follow up. I struggled out the handicap exit, in severe pain because I sat in a hard chair for 45 minutes.

I talked to Dr. Jackie the following day, she ran a couple minor tests and we scheduled a follow up. I need to tell you that she spent a very long time with me and she listened to everything I said. It was comfortable, relaxing and felt promising. She reassured me that she and Dr. Kevin could help me. I felt relief, I felt hopeful. She explained everything, never once concerned with the amount of time I was there.

At the follow up she offered a plan for me. I am forever grateful that my mother saw that ad. Dr. Kevin started with very simple, comfortable, and acceptable manipulation. Nothing like I had ever had before.

A blood test was taken, food sensitivities were diagnosed. I was already feeling better every day. Mobility was back. I could dress myself again. I no longer needed to use the handicap rail in the bathroom. So many improvements, too many to mention, but I can tell you I had my life back.

I continued the appointments with Dr. Kevin and he addressed the food sensitivities. I followed through and changed my diet. I did not think I could ever feel this good again. Every day, every week, I improved…once in awhile a little set back but never where I was when I started.

I continue seeing Dr. Kevin. He is part of my life. I am so grateful for what he and Dr. Jackie have done. I can never put it in words.

Out of gratitude, I went to another one of their lectures to share my story. Remember the handicap exit I struggled with? Well, I could run it now if I had to, but I can do the stairs. I laugh, I love life, and I have my sparkle back.

I will not minimize my PCP and OB/GYN. I believe they have a place in our lives. But sadly, they did not have the answers I had been looking for. I found my answers with Drs. Kevin and Jackie. I hope everyone that asks the questions gets the answer.

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